I ask myself is it a big plan by the big multi-national companies like unilever to produce products that are 120mls?! Making people attempt to take them onto a flight only having them taken away as they are too big. And also.. what really does happen to all those liquids kept behind at the airports..?? I myself have had to throw away bottles of newly bought toiletry products, creams.. and yes even honey..
But i do suppose thats just one of the obstacles you deal with when you try and fly on the cheap side. I suppose it goes along nicely with unreserved seating, no inflight entertainment and tiny little airports.. not to mention the fact that it takes an hour and a half to get to the bloody tin-shed airport to which it is only possible to get to by a 13 euro bus which is.. yes.. owned by the airline company.. And then ofcourse the bus arrives 2 hours before the flight so you have plenty of time to wait around the small and crusty airports and spend your money in the one overpriced café or dutyfree store...
So is there really this thing called low cost travel? Or is it just this ideal in our head that we can just pop over to countries and far-away cities for the weekend.. If we spend hours on end on ryanair and skyscanner.com. I mean its not a bad concept. I enjoy the fact that I am able to pop over to dublin for a friends birthday but after a tram ride to trainstation, a 2 hour train, taking the metro and changing lines twice, taking a 1 and a half bus to the airport, checking in 2 hours late, boarding an hour flight then jumping on whatever transport it is that takes me to dublin city.. I ask myself surely there is a better way...
Low cost travel can be a great thing.. taking people to places where they probably could never afford to go before. I remember flying with airasia once whose slogan was 'now everyone can fly'.. or something along those lines.. More and more people are travelling around and the world is becoming a smaller place.. BLAH BLAH.. as i have heard this a million times before in my international relations lectures, development lectures and globalisation lectures. We get the point already...
So low cost areline may be a low cost flight.. however everything else concerning it doesn't seem to be soo 'low cost'.. And I dont really think the cost of time, convenience, dignity and comfort can be considered as low cost at all..
So as I squeeze my shower gel, shampoo and face wash into my travel friendly bottles and then try and fit them into a littre sized transparent zip-lock bag I ask myself many of the questions posed above.. I also curse ryanair for putting me in this predicament.. but really can I really think so badly of something which is taking me and 5 friends to dublin for an awesome and eventful weekend-away?? Well I think I can....! after all its just one of the costs I pay..
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